• BIA Anonymous Customer Survey

BIA Anonymous Customer Survey We'd like to send out a big Mahalo to those of you who were able to attending our BIA event. If you were not able to make it, we look forward to seeing you at the next event.

Your feedback is important to us. The information collected will help us in planning our next event so please complete it whether or not you were able to attend the last mixer. Thank you for your continued support!
A * indicates a required field.
* First Name
* Last Name
1. Was the event better than what you expected, worse than what you expected, or about what you expected?
Better than expected
What I expected
Worse than expected
2. Please rate your satisfaction with the following:
Time of the event
Duration of the event
Food and Beverages
3. If you did not attend the event, please explain why.
Conflict in schedule
Not interested
4. Please provide suggestions for improving our future events.

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* Please check the box to verify you are a real person and not a spam robot.


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